
Go app + library to fetch what's new from AWS

View the Project on GitHub circa10a/go-aws-news

Rocket.Chat Setup

This provider implementation uses Rocket.Chat’s Incoming WebHook integration.

To create a new Incoming WebHook:

  1. Go to your admin page.
  2. Go to Integrations.
  3. Create a New Integration and select Incoming WebHook.
  4. Name the integration “AWS News” or something similar to identify the service.
  5. Select the channel where you will receive the alerts.
  6. Post as: rocket.cat or any other existing user.
  7. Leave the Script Disabled.
  8. Save the integration.
  9. Copy the generated Webhook URL and paste it in to the config.yaml under providers.rocketchat.webhookURL.
  10. Enable the Rocket.Chat provider by setting providers.rocketchat.enabled to true.
  11. Optionally override the default AWS Logo used on the Avatar for posts.

Example Config

    enabled: true
    webhookURL: "https://rocket.chat.server/hooks/{token}"
    iconURL: "{ override url to aws logo }"

Example post:

Rocketchat post example